sound proofing for concrete high rise's rooftop boiler/transformer room
Last Post 30 Aug 2013 08:46 AM by joe.ami. 2 Replies.
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sleepless coquitlamUser is Offline
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15 Aug 2013 12:32 AM
I moved into a concrete high rise penthouse suite since sept 2009. I had not been able to sleep at all since I moved in. My suite is sitting directly underneath boiler and transformer rooms. the noise is super loud during the winter months, and tolerable in the summer months with help of sleeping pills. Since the developer will not help in this matter because the city of Couqitlam BC has no sound proofing regulations. So it is up to the strata to help. But we don't have a plan. It was suggested rubber padding for transformers and boilers, but that means shutting down electricity and hot water for the building. And that doesn't necessary means the problem can be solved. I was wondering if spraying fire proof spay materials that they used for elevator shaft would help? Can someone give me some not too expensive suggestions? Because the strata council is hesitant to do anything for me alone. even though I am suffering and showing symptoms of home owners of toronto area that is getting sick by 24/7 exposure of wind turbines' low frequency noise.
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15 Aug 2013 11:15 AM
I'd hire a good acoustical engineer. Or move. Other than those, decoupling the equipment make sense. Or acoustical walls/ceiling/floor built inside of the existing bedroom.
joe.amiUser is Offline
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30 Aug 2013 08:46 AM
4 years. Yeesh. Telegraphed noise and harmonics are best broken by an interuption in whatever transfers it (like cutting the string between 2 cans that children use as a phone).
Not sure how you accomplish that "cheap". Rubber pads would likely help, but.......
Joe Hardin
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